Our templates are super easy to edit within photoshop or anything that will edit a psd. We do highly recommend Photoshop to be the only way to edit these.
After you download your template from our site follow these steps to prep your template to be edited.Â
- Browse to your downloads folder and locate your file. We usually start the template name with PBG- or MT-.
- Do a right click on the .zip folder and go to “Extract All” or “open”. A new folder should pop up with your template files.You can open zip files with any device. Follow these instructions:
- When you are in the folder you will see two text documents one will say help.txt and the other font.txt.
- Open font.txt. copy the link for each font and paste into an internet browser> after downloading the font file and installing it you will be ready to rock and roll with the psd file.
- We like using blending options (AKA: FX or Layer Styles) for easy color changes. Color Overlays or Gradient Overlays is what is most commonly used.
- Hex or RGB codes is what you will need to find for your color choices. A simple Google search will help find your exact color code.
If you run into issues send an email Including the following: File names, software, and what your issue is. Email the file to
*All of our templates use photoshop to edit the layers & text items. We recommend the $10/mo Photography plan from
A free approved alternative that we support to photoshop is
Adding your custom ordered file to Darkroom Booth.
- Download and save (Do NOT open)Â from your email onto your photo booth computer
- Open Darkroom Booth
- On the right side on the output page you will see “choose” click that
- You will see the template catalog at the top you will see a black bar click on “ADD”
- Browse to the “downloads” folder and you will see the preview of the template.
- Click on “add all” or “add selected“
- Find your template and choose in the catalog and have a great event!
Adding a static template to Touchpix
- Go to
- Click on Login in the upper right corner
- Log in to your account
- Click on Designer in the top menu
- Click on Templates in the left bar
- Select the type of template you want to add, usually ‘slomo templates’
- Click on the template to add it to the canvas
- Click on Uploads in the left bar
- Click on Browse in the Custom overlay section
- Click on the file that appears in the left bar to add it to the canvas
- Select the event from the dropdown menu in the upper right corner
- Click on ‘Add template’ in the upper right corner
- Scan your QR Code and have a good event!Â