Color | Name | #RRGGBB (Hex Code) | R,G,B (Decimal code) |
maroon | #800000 | (128,0,0) | |
dark red | #8B0000 | (139,0,0) | |
brown | #A52A2A | (165,42,42) | |
firebrick | #B22222 | (178,34,34) | |
crimson | #DC143C | (220,20,60) | |
red | #FF0000 | (255,0,0) | |
tomato | #FF6347 | (255,99,71) | |
coral | #FF7F50 | (255,127,80) | |
indian red | #CD5C5C | (205,92,92) | |
light coral | #F08080 | (240,128,128) | |
dark salmon | #E9967A | (233,150,122) | |
salmon | #FA8072 | (250,128,114) | |
light salmon | #FFA07A | (255,160,122) | |
orange red | #FF4500 | (255,69,0) | |
dark orange | #FF8C00 | (255,140,0) | |
orange | #FFA500 | (255,165,0) | |
gold | #FFD700 | (255,215,0) | |
dark golden rod | #B8860B | (184,134,11) | |
golden rod | #DAA520 | (218,165,32) | |
pale golden rod | #EEE8AA | (238,232,170) | |
dark khaki | #BDB76B | (189,183,107) | |
khaki | #F0E68C | (240,230,140) | |
olive | #808000 | (128,128,0) | |
yellow | #FFFF00 | (255,255,0) | |
yellow green | #9ACD32 | (154,205,50) | |
dark olive green | #556B2F | (85,107,47) | |
olive drab | #6B8E23 | (107,142,35) | |
lawn green | #7CFC00 | (124,252,0) | |
chart reuse | #7FFF00 | (127,255,0) | |
green yellow | #ADFF2F | (173,255,47) | |
dark green | #006400 | (0,100,0) | |
green | #008000 | (0,128,0) | |
forest green | #228B22 | (34,139,34) | |
lime | #00FF00 | (0,255,0) | |
lime green | #32CD32 | (50,205,50) | |
light green | #90EE90 | (144,238,144) | |
pale green | #98FB98 | (152,251,152) | |
dark sea green | #8FBC8F | (143,188,143) | |
medium spring green | #00FA9A | (0,250,154) | |
spring green | #00FF7F | (0,255,127) | |
sea green | #2E8B57 | (46,139,87) | |
medium aqua marine | #66CDAA | (102,205,170) | |
medium sea green | #3CB371 | (60,179,113) | |
light sea green | #20B2AA | (32,178,170) | |
dark slate gray | #2F4F4F | (47,79,79) | |
teal | #008080 | (0,128,128) | |
dark cyan | #008B8B | (0,139,139) | |
aqua | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
cyan | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
light cyan | #E0FFFF | (224,255,255) | |
dark turquoise | #00CED1 | (0,206,209) | |
turquoise | #40E0D0 | (64,224,208) | |
medium turquoise | #48D1CC | (72,209,204) | |
pale turquoise | #AFEEEE | (175,238,238) | |
aqua marine | #7FFFD4 | (127,255,212) | |
powder blue | #B0E0E6 | (176,224,230) | |
cadet blue | #5F9EA0 | (95,158,160) | |
steel blue | #4682B4 | (70,130,180) | |
corn flower blue | #6495ED | (100,149,237) | |
deep sky blue | #00BFFF | (0,191,255) | |
dodger blue | #1E90FF | (30,144,255) | |
light blue | #ADD8E6 | (173,216,230) | |
sky blue | #87CEEB | (135,206,235) | |
light sky blue | #87CEFA | (135,206,250) | |
midnight blue | #191970 | (25,25,112) | |
navy | #000080 | (0,0,128) | |
dark blue | #00008B | (0,0,139) | |
medium blue | #0000CD | (0,0,205) | |
blue | #0000FF | (0,0,255) | |
royal blue | #4169E1 | (65,105,225) | |
blue violet | #8A2BE2 | (138,43,226) | |
indigo | #4B0082 | (75,0,130) | |
dark slate blue | #483D8B | (72,61,139) | |
slate blue | #6A5ACD | (106,90,205) | |
medium slate blue | #7B68EE | (123,104,238) | |
medium purple | #9370DB | (147,112,219) | |
dark magenta | #8B008B | (139,0,139) | |
dark violet | #9400D3 | (148,0,211) | |
dark orchid | #9932CC | (153,50,204) | |
medium orchid | #BA55D3 | (186,85,211) | |
purple | #800080 | (128,0,128) | |
thistle | #D8BFD8 | (216,191,216) | |
plum | #DDA0DD | (221,160,221) | |
violet | #EE82EE | (238,130,238) | |
magenta / fuchsia | #FF00FF | (255,0,255) | |
orchid | #DA70D6 | (218,112,214) | |
medium violet red | #C71585 | (199,21,133) | |
pale violet red | #DB7093 | (219,112,147) | |
deep pink | #FF1493 | (255,20,147) | |
hot pink | #FF69B4 | (255,105,180) | |
light pink | #FFB6C1 | (255,182,193) | |
pink | #FFC0CB | (255,192,203) | |
antique white | #FAEBD7 | (250,235,215) | |
beige | #F5F5DC | (245,245,220) | |
bisque | #FFE4C4 | (255,228,196) | |
blanched almond | #FFEBCD | (255,235,205) | |
wheat | #F5DEB3 | (245,222,179) | |
corn silk | #FFF8DC | (255,248,220) | |
lemon chiffon | #FFFACD | (255,250,205) | |
light golden rod yellow | #FAFAD2 | (250,250,210) | |
light yellow | #FFFFE0 | (255,255,224) | |
saddle brown | #8B4513 | (139,69,19) | |
sienna | #A0522D | (160,82,45) | |
chocolate | #D2691E | (210,105,30) | |
peru | #CD853F | (205,133,63) | |
sandy brown | #F4A460 | (244,164,96) | |
burly wood | #DEB887 | (222,184,135) | |
tan | #D2B48C | (210,180,140) | |
rosy brown | #BC8F8F | (188,143,143) | |
moccasin | #FFE4B5 | (255,228,181) | |
navajo white | #FFDEAD | (255,222,173) | |
peach puff | #FFDAB9 | (255,218,185) | |
misty rose | #FFE4E1 | (255,228,225) | |
lavender blush | #FFF0F5 | (255,240,245) | |
linen | #FAF0E6 | (250,240,230) | |
old lace | #FDF5E6 | (253,245,230) | |
papaya whip | #FFEFD5 | (255,239,213) | |
sea shell | #FFF5EE | (255,245,238) | |
mint cream | #F5FFFA | (245,255,250) | |
slate gray | #708090 | (112,128,144) | |
light slate gray | #778899 | (119,136,153) | |
light steel blue | #B0C4DE | (176,196,222) | |
lavender | #E6E6FA | (230,230,250) | |
floral white | #FFFAF0 | (255,250,240) | |
alice blue | #F0F8FF | (240,248,255) | |
ghost white | #F8F8FF | (248,248,255) | |
honeydew | #F0FFF0 | (240,255,240) | |
ivory | #FFFFF0 | (255,255,240) | |
azure | #F0FFFF | (240,255,255) | |
snow | #FFFAFA | (255,250,250) | |
black | #000000 | (0,0,0) | |
dim gray / dim grey | #696969 | (105,105,105) | |
gray / grey | #808080 | (128,128,128) | |
dark gray / dark grey | #A9A9A9 | (169,169,169) | |
silver | #C0C0C0 | (192,192,192) | |
light gray / light grey | #D3D3D3 | (211,211,211) | |
gainsboro | #DCDCDC | (220,220,220) | |
white smoke | #F5F5F5 | (245,245,245) | |
white | #FFFFFF | (255,255,255) |
David’s Bridal 2015 reference guide colors:
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Petal | #fadfd6 | 250 | 223 | 214 |
 | Tickled | #f9c3d0 | 249 | 195 | 208 |
 | Ballet | #eaacad | 234 | 172 | 173 |
 | Quartz | #b39398 | 179 | 147 | 152 |
 | Watermelon | #c53765 | 197 | 55 | 101 |
 | Begonia | #d90b86 | 217 | 11 | 134 |
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Belini | #fbbea9 | 251 | 190 | 169 |
 | Coral Reef | #f48689 | 244 | 134 | 237 |
 | Guava | #fa5769 | 250 | 87 | 105 |
 | Punch | #d9416a | 217 | 65 | 106 |
 | Apple | #991d42 | 153 | 29 | 66 |
 | Wine | #6a2541 | 106 | 37 | 65 |
 | Garnet | #39011e | 57 | 1 | 30 |
Bright & Sunny
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Canary | #ffeaa7 | 255 | 234 | 167 |
 | Sunbeam | #ffe35b | 255 | 227 | 91 |
 | Lemon Lime | #e4e15c | 228 | 225 | 92 |
 | Tangerine | #f48a32 | 244 | 138 | 50 |
 | Persimmon | #e23e22 | 266 | 32 | 34 |
 | Cherry | #bb1b41 | 187 | 27 | 65 |
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Mint | #c2e6dc | 194 | 230 | 220 |
 | Meadow | #98b5a1 | 152 | 181 | 161 |
 | Clover | #5d9568 | 93 | 149 | 104 |
 | Emerald | #00794e | 0 | 121 | 78 |
 | Tarragon | #29361b | 41 | 54 | 27 |
Ocean Tones
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Spa | #81cdc9 | 129 | 205 | 201 |
 | Pool | #74c6d4 | 116 | 198 | 212 |
 | Malibu | #00b2d0 | 0 | 178 | 208 |
 | Pacific | #1c83b1 | 28 | 131 | 177 |
 | Oasis | #00829a | 0 | 130 | 154 |
 | Gem | #005162 | 0 | 81 | 98 |
Out of The Blue
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Sea Glass | #e0f2f2 | 224 | 242 | 242 |
 | Capri | #a6d4eb | 166 | 212 | 235 |
 | Cornflower | #0289cb | 2 | 137 | 203 |
 | Horizon | #044b9b | 4 | 75 | 155 |
 | Blue Violet | #384ea3 | 56 | 78 | 163 |
 | Marine | #0d3662 | 13 | 54 | 98 |
 | Peacock | #1b485d | 27 | 72 | 93 |
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Iris | #bfb9d1 | 191 | 185 | 209 |
 | Wisteria | #906d8e | 144 | 109 | 142 |
 | Raspberry | #852a77 | 133 | 42 | 119 |
 | Sangria | #710b4c | 113 | 11 | 76 |
 | Plum | #480040 | 72 | 0 | 64 |
 | Regency | #482f94 | 72 | 47 | 148 |
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Angel | #fbebdc | 251 | 235 | 220 |
 | Biscotti | #cab6ad | 202 | 182 | 173 |
 | Champagne | #d0bfa5 | 208 | 191 | 165 |
 | Cocoa | #6e4a4a | 110 | 74 | 74 |
 | Truffle | #483436 | 72 | 52 | 54 |
Color | Name | Hexcode | Red | Green | Blue |
 | Silver | #cbcfda | 203 | 207 | 218 |
 | Mercury | #797d7e | 121 | 125 | 126 |
 | Pewter | #5c606a | 92 | 96 | 106 |
 | Black | #000000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |